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Today we’re looking at types of Foxes. Foxes are mysterious little animals, and as much as, they live among us, there’s still so much about them we don’t know. So let’s go over a few facts about foxes before anything.
Foxes belong to the candidate family, meaning that they have a very close relation to dogs, and jackals. Just like cats, foxes are most active after the sun goes down. Also they will live in every other continent except for Antarctica. Most thriving in, towns, cities, as well as rural settings.
In case you’re wondering about the outlook of this elusive animal,
- They come in a beautiful medium sized body.
- Weighs somewhere between 7 and 15 pounds.
- Foxes have a pointy face, like frames not forgetting their mysterious bushy tails.
Types of Foxes
Unlike the relatives foxes are not pack animals, in fact when they’re raising their families, they live in small families in underground burrows. The families are known as, leashes or skulk.
Besides that fox’s sleep an hunt alone, and with that in mind, let’s look at the 15 common types of foxes including their habitat, and behavior.
Corsac Fox
Its scientific name is Vulpes Corsac. This is another species of Asian Foxes.
- Description of Corsac Fox: It is medium sized, and
- Comes with a grade Yellowish Fur on the more significant part of the body.
- It has pale underparts, and pale markings on the throat, chin, and Mouth.
- During the colder months, the fur of the corsac fox becomes thicker, silkier, and straw gray in color.
- Habitat of Corsac Fox: this species / types of foxes lives mostly in northwest, and central Asia.
- They thrive better in, open, and grassy semi desert sand steps.
- The corsac foxes are nomadic, and nocturnal hunters of the grassy semi desert.
- They don’t have a defended territory, in some cases these foxes may form packs.
Bengal Fox
Bengal Fox scientific name is Vulpes Bengalensis. This is species of the Asian foxes, that are also known as Indian fox.
- Description of Bengal Fox: the Bengal fox comes in a medium-sized body, and
- Has an elongated muzzle.
- Has small patches on the upper section of the muscle.
- You will notice, the bushy large, and black tipped tail, as well, which is one of the most prominent features in the Bengal Fox.
- Habitat of Bengal Fox: it is mostly found in the Asian subcontinent.
- This fox is native to the Indian subcontinent.
- But these foxes prefer non forested areas in foothills, like open grasslands, thorny scrubs, and arid environments.
Ruppell’s Fox
Its scientific name is Vulpes Rueppellii. This is a species / types of foxes, that are named after Edward Rupel, a German naturalist.
- Description of Ruppell’s Foxes: generally these are small foxes,
- But the males have a much bigger physique, as compared to the females.
- As for their outward appearance of the coat is sandy in color, with a few more hairs.
- It has fading reddish line along the middle section of the back
- however, It transitions to pure white on the tip of the tail and the under parts.
- Habitant of Ruppell’s Fox: the Ruppell’s fox is most common in North Africa, southwestern Asia, and the Middle East.
- These types of foxes are also nocturnal, and crepuscular meaning that, they tend to shelter in burrows, dug underground during the day, then hunt at night.
- They also have anal scent glands. Which they used to greet each other, as well as, spray their predators. The fact that, the foxes are omnivorous, they feed on lizards, birds, insect,s and small mammals, not forgetting the fruits, grass, and desert succulents.
Darwin’s Fox
Darwin’s fox scientific name Lycalopex fulvipes. Darwin’s fox is the first obligate species / types of foxes, that are found in the southern temperate rainforest.
- Unlike other species of foxes, Darwin’s foxes most active at twilight, just before sunrise.
- Also unlike most other species of foxes, Darwin’s fox prefers, open spaces.
- They don’t interbreed with other Lycalopex species.
- These Types of Foxes, mostly live in forests.
- They usually appear smaller, and are darker in terms of color, than other species of foxes.
- The Darwin’s fox were mostly feed on reptiles, small mammals, birds, insects, amphibians, and fruits.
Pale Fox
This Fox will be mostly found in Senegal, northern Sudan, and Somalia. Pale foxes also nocturnal, and has no known enemies. Usually it also lives in a pack of 3 adults, 2 males, and 1 female.
The description of Pale Fox is as follows,
- The pale fox has a relatively elongated ,and low body with, short legs in a very narrow muzzle.
- As for the ears, they are not only long, but also rounded at the tip.
- On the other hand it comes with a tall, and bushy tail, that at least half as long as the rest of its body.
- It has a black tipped tail, while the front part of its body is pale, and sandy in color.
- The underpart of the pale fox is white.
Tibetan Sand Fox
Tibetan sand fox scientific name Vulpes ferriLata. the Tibetan sand foxes mostly restricted to the Tibetan plateau in western China.
- This species / types of fox is small, and compact.
- It has a relatively, dense coat, bushy tail, and a narrow muzzle, that’s very conspicuous
- The upper legs, cheeks, planks, and rumps are gray.
- The tale comes with, white tips.
- This Fox feeding mostly on plateau pikas. This box also has a liking for wooly rabbits, and lizards, mixed in with your standard rodents.
These daytime hunters can also be known as, just a Tibetan fox, or even one of the few foxes to be called, the Sand fox, along with the ruppell’s fox, fennec fox, and the corsac fox, which all can be known as a sandfox.
Cross Fox
The cross fox is more of a melanistic color, variants of the red fox. Cross foxes have so much in common with the red fox.
- This type of fox comes with a long, and dark stripe, that runs across its back, and hence intersecting another strike, that forms a cross over the shoulders region.
- The cross foxes more present in the northern regions, but tends to be rarer than the red fox. but more common than the darker silver fox species / types of foxes.
- Cross fox is presented in the northern most parts of North America.
- They are slightly larger than red foxes, have a bushy tail, and more wool under their feet.
Marble Fox
The marble fox is a red fox variant, its coloration, however, it is not something that naturally occurs in the Marble fox.
- The marble prints are required from human intervention. In fact marble foxes occur mostly as genetic mutations, that are called color phases, the result from breeding the red fox.
- The marble foxes come with a beautiful fur, display patch of tan in black across its face, and on the ears.
Silver Fox
Silver fox scientific name is Vulpes fulva. The silver fox is otherwise known as the red fox of North America.
- It is a red fox color variants, with black fur that’s interspersed with silver tipped hairs.
- However, as they mature they take on a golden yellow color.
- Weight, and length of the silver fox, it mainly differs depending on its geographic location.
- Species / types of foxes can be found in North America, Asia, Europe, and Australia
- This type of fox has found a versatile way to survive in all types of environments.
- Mostly the silver foxes are solitary animals and are semi territorial, and what they claim to territory you will find their food caches in dens.
- There females may mate with multiple males, could eventually forms are monogamous pair of choice.
Crab-Eating Fox
Scientific name is Cerdocyon thous. You’ll hear some people refer to it as the Savannah Fox or crab-eating dog. This species / types of foxes found in South America, mostly the forested, or grass area.
This Fox could grow up to 28 inches long with the exception of its 30 centimeter tale, besides that it has a coat that ranges somewhere between grey, and brown coats that in most cases is tinged with a yellow hue.
Bat Eared Fox
Scientific name Otocyon megalotis.
- The bat eared foxes, a large beard fox that belongs to the dog family.
- These foxes are found mostly in the open air areas of the eastern, and southern Asia.
- It is so much in common with the red fox, except that it has unusually large ears.
- It has a yellowish gray color, with only the face, and legs black, as well as, a black tipped tail, and ears.
- This fox love solitary, so if it’s not alone, it’ll be in tiny groups, and mostly feed on insects.
Kitfox scientific name Vulpes Macrotis.
- It comes in a slender body, big ears, and reddish gray. For in fact, it is the smallest species / types of foxes.
- These foxes are more popular in Mexico, and southwestern states.
Unlike other foxes, the kit foxes both dinorah, and nocturnal. It has a better variety, when it comes to what it can feed? A kit foxes breed between October, and November. All the females take care of the puppies. The males on the other hand are always in charge of providing food.
Gray Fox
Gray Fox scientific name Urocyon cinereoargenteus. Although the name of this fox suggests, otherwise, the gray foxes is not gray in color.
- There fur mostly alternates between white, and black hairs, that tend to give you the illusion of a gray color.
- They have a subtle red tone, just behind their ears.
- The gray fox is one of the largest species of all types of foxes, from all over the world.
- It can be found in almost all of America, all the way from Canada to Venezuela.
- The most striking feature in the gray fox is there strong, and sharp claws, that make it possible for these types of foxes to climb trees.
- Their mating season occurs during the warmer months, and once two gray foxes mate, they become partners for life.
Arctic Fox
Arctic fox scientific name Vulpes lagopus. The arctic fox is best known for its immaculate in spectacular white winter fur. However, when the temperature rises, and the snow melts, the color of his mantle turns brown.
- The arctic fox can be found throughout Siberia all the way to the north pole in Canada.
- These types of foxes is one of the few that can actually withstand, such cold temperatures. But that’s all thanks to the thick skin, and hair, as well as, their ability to maintain their body heat.
- The fact that arctic foxes thrive in an icy environment. There’s never much for these foxes to hunt, that’s why, they’re go-to pray is always lemmings seals, and fish.
- The breeding season, it could practically extend all year, except for July, and August. Although these foxes are solitary, once a pair meets and mates, they will do so every other season until one of the pair passes on.
Red Fox
Red fox scientific name Vulpes vulpes. Red Fox or the common fox, just as the name suggests is the most popular types of foxes. The red fox got this name from its reddish, orange fur, that in some instances tends to appear brown.
- This red fox can be found anywhere throughout the northern hemisphere, whether it’s in the mountains, desert, plains, or the frozen areas. Although red foxes can be found in the southern hemisphere, they are not, as common as, in the north.
- Just like arctic foxes, the red foxes, are solitary animals, and the only come together during the reproductive seasons in winter.
- Both parent foxes are responsible for the upbringing of the young ones, the males still remain in charge of bringing food to the females, and their families.
Summary on Types of Foxes
In summary foxes are some of the most extraordinary creatures living in both urban, and rural areas. However, they tend to be pretty misunderstood, and most people are not even able to distinguish between the different types of foxes.