Home Pest Control How To Protect Home From Rats

How To Protect Home From Rats

by Editorial Staff

If you lived in the field, hiding from rains, winds and predators in the cold ground, you would probably understand those annoying rodents that strive to settle in your house and you want to Protect Home From Rats.

But, being on the other side of the barricades, I don’t want to give up positions. You built the house for yourself, and not in order to shelter all the mice and rats thirsting for a comfortable life, and these Rats are Risk for Your Health.

It is impossible to come to an agreement with this enemy; it is very difficult to fight then in this situation how to keep rats away from house? The most effective solution is not to allow him to enter your territory at all and keep rats away. But how?

There are several recommendations that will help to keep rats away and the defense from Rats /Mice/ Rodents worthy. Almost all of them must be observed at the stage of building a house and to know what keeps rats away? But for those who have already built a house, have rats in house what to do? , solutions exist to protect home from rats.

The Tale of The Mouse That Turned Up Its Nose

Let’s start with a short fairy tale. No “lived-were” – straight to the point. Wormwood, wild rosemary, chamomile and peppermint (the list can be continued for a long time), laid in the ceilings, will help protect the house from rats and mice .

Their pungent smell will scare away rodents, and the house will remain intact. An excellent solution – economical, environmentally friendly … True, not working. The fairy tale is over! The dried grass will not retain the smell for long. After a few years, it will finally stop smelling. And we don’t have a hut for 2-3 years – we have a house for decades.

Accordingly, the protection from Rats must be reliable and durable. Folk methods work poorly – flowers won’t scare Rats.

Rodent Proof Construction and Exclusion Methods

Concrete Barrier To Protect Home From Rats

Concrete is a reliable protection and best way to keep rodents out of house is Rodent Proof Construction against rodents entering the house. Of course, if you wish, you can also defeat it, but in a village or SNT, where there is a mass of more affordable housing, most likely, rodents will not spend time taking this fortress.

Protect Your Home From Rats - concret barrier

How is it applicable in suburban construction? For example, choose a monolithic slab foundation or a foundation of the type of insulated Swedish plate ( USHP ). The concrete foundation can protect the house from the entry of mice and rats. But that’s about protection from below.

But the walls (especially the frame house) remain unprotected. What to do in this case? You can use Rodent barriers to protect home from rats from entering your house through Walls.

Rodents – Behind Bars!

The most effective way dealing with rats in your home to protect Home From Rats and Rodent Proof Construction Method, including walls from rodents, is called a special fine-mesh metal mesh. It is better to install it during the construction phase. How exactly to mount the mesh depends largely on the design of the house. But in any case, it is necessary to ensure the protection of the entire perimeter without gaps, and also, if the foundation is not monolithic concrete, close the access from below.

Protect Your Home From Rats using mesh
If the mesh has large cells, mice can easily enter the house

Sometimes it is necessary to deepen the mesh to cut off the rodents’ path to the subfloor. It is important to understand here that these animals are capable of digging at a depth of 1 m. That is, it will not be enough to deepen the mesh by 10-20 cm.

Not every mesh will do its job. To keep your home safe, you need to choose the right material. So, the maximum mesh size of the protective mesh should be no more than 6 mm. If the holes are larger, the mouse can penetrate through it.

Rodents Barriers Options

There are two rodents barrier options – CPVS and woven.

CPVS (all-metal expanded mesh)

CPVS (all-metal expanded mesh) with a thickness of 0.45-0.5 mm is made from a solid metal sheet, in which the cells are cut and then the web is stretched. This reliable Rodent Proof Construction Method is too tough for rodents. In addition, the mesh is not subject to deformation, that is, you can be sure that over the years, a gap does not form in the protection.

Woven Mesh

Woven mesh can also be used as protection to Protect Home From Rats. The thickness of the wire from which they are woven must be at least 1.2 mm. But woven nets can stretch over time – the holes will enlarge, giving rodents access to your home.

An already built house can also be protected with nets. But for this you have to dig in the foundation around the perimeter. Difficulties can arise during installation under the floor (since access to the entire surface is not always available), as well as during installation on a facade with a finish.

By the way, this mesh is advised to be used to protect not only the house from rats, but also the area . It needs to be dug along the perimeter of the territory so that it is deep enough and at the same time goes out. But this will only work if the site is fenced off with a metal or stone fence . Otherwise, the mouse will simply climb over it.

Also, questions arise with protection from rats in the openings of gates and wickets… It is often impossible to provide a fence in these places.

Use Profiled Sheets

Another way to protect the house from the entry of rats and mice is metal profiled sheet. They, like a net, need to fence off the home from all sides. But there is one nuance here: if you use a metal sheet in the subfloor, it is important to observe the gap between it and the insulation. The fact is that condensation can form on the metal surface. If the insulation is in contact with water, it will work less efficiently.

In addition, the simplest and cheapest profiled sheet is used to protect the floors. But there are questions about this way of saving. Fences blown by the winds sometimes begin to rust, and if such economic sheets are laid in the ceilings, how much will such protection be enough?

Judging by the reviews, it is more convenient and cheaper to use a grid after all.

Expanded clay

This is a free-flowing material in which rodents are extremely inconvenient to exist, therefore it is considered a good Rodent Proof Construction Method/protection at home from mice and rats. Some people recommend using it as insulation.

Protect Your Home From Rats
Expanded clay can be used to protect against rodents

And everything would be fine, but expanded clay is not the most effective thermal insulation. It makes sense to use it only as an additional layer, the purpose of which is to prevent rodents from entering the house. This is called “expanded clay castle”. For a good organization of the barrier, 10 cm of expanded clay under the layer of the main insulation is enough.


Almost any source says about this material, and Rodent Proof Construction Method, that it is ideal for thermal insulation of houses, as it is not of interest to rats and mice. The additives in its composition have a negative effect on the well-being of rodents.

protect against rodents
Rodents may be uncomfortable in ceilings, but comfortable in the house itself

They experience discomfort, thirst and rush to leave the thermal insulation layers, to go to other, more comfortable places for them. Where exactly the rodents will go is difficult to predict, but we can assume that in the house. That is, ecowool does not protect the house from rodents. Most likely, they will not live in it, but they will be able to penetrate through it into the dwelling.

What’s the bottom line?

And in the end, in all respects, it turns out that the most effective and least costly is to use an all-metal expanded metal mesh (CPVS) even at the stage of laying the foundation.

The rest of the ways to keep rats out of your house / methods have specific features that, sooner or later, can make the house vulnerable to rodents. However, when you combine several of them to get rid of rats and mice, you will surely achieve the result on Protect Home From Rats.

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