Home SEO Improve your SEO Thanks to a Netlinking Strategy!

Improve your SEO Thanks to a Netlinking Strategy!

by Editorial Staff

Netlinking, also called “link building” is an SEO technique aimed at showing the popularity of your website to search engines, and particularly to Google, which represents around 95% of searches in France.

Concretely, it is about a set of inbound organic links intended to improve your visibility. However, a link strategy owes nothing to chance!

A good netlinking strategy is essential to boost the referencing of your site and increase its traffic. However, netlinking is less well known than other aspects of SEO such as technical optimization.

What is netlinking? How to set up an adapted netlinking strategy?  What are the types of links to be exploited? Here are our tips for getting the most out of this technique.

I. What is a netlinking strategy?

The Internet is made up of an interconnection of networks. It is through the links that exist between them that search engine robots understand the logical links between content. These links facilitate their navigation between the different pages of the web.

The netlinking operates these networks by creating links between different content, pages or sites.

The different types of links

To develop a relevant netlinking strategy, you need to know the different types of links. We distinguish:

  • outgoing links: these links come from your site and point to a third-party site;
  • inbound links (called backlinks): these links come from another site and point to yours. We call “referring domain” the site which emits an external link towards another site.

Netlinking and quality backlinks

Your goal should not be to get as many backlinks as possible, but to get quality links.

This is because when the search engine determines the popularity of a site B, it examines the links that point to it. However, if a site A is a referring domain of site B, then it transmits its popularity to it. It is also necessary that this site A have the confidence of the search engines. This is called “domain authority”.

It is for this reason that it is essential to search for quality backlinks favored by Google. You then organicly increase the authority of your site and improve its referencing.

A good part of the netlinking strategy therefore consists of obtaining quality backlinks, that is to say:

  • from a site with strong authority;
  • from a relevant site in terms of content: generally similar or carrying out an activity complementary or even related to yours;
  • whose link anchor contains strategic keywords without over-optimizing.

Carrying out your link building strategy is important because bad practices can penalize you. Since 2012 and the reform of the Penguin algorithm, Google has become particularly attentive to the quality of backlinks. If you get low-quality backlinks, or low-quality links organicly point to your pages, you risk being penalized by Google.

It is imperative to monitor your backlinks to identify and remove any toxic links, that is to say those coming from unreliable sites, link farms, or even spammed sites.

II. What are the main netlinking strategies?

Getting quality backlinks: easier said than done? How to approach the influential sites that interest you? We give you the main strategies for success!

The guest blogging

Guestblogging is based on the following principle: you invite an influencer from your field to write an article that you publish on your blog. In return, they publish one of your articles on their blog with an inbound link to your site.

This strategy involves selecting potential quality partners. To select them, you will use:

  • Their editorial line, the quality of the content as well as the frequency of publication on their website;
  • SEO criteria:
    • number of indexed pages
    • age of the site (to be found on the who.is site ),
    • or the site authority (to be found on the Moz Open Site Explorer site ).

Once the potential partner has been selected, it remains to contact him and convince him! For that, you will have to propose a relevant and “win-win” partnership. It is about offering a real benefit to the influencers contacted.

You can, for example:

  • produce the relevant content yourself for their site (infographics, studies or videos) and offer it to them. Thus, the blogger only has to integrate your content on his site;
  • offer your products or services for free in exchange for an article on the blog and a link to your site.

These techniques also fall under influencer marketing. 


Linkbaiting consists of offering high added value content on your website. You focus on creating very high quality pages and promoting them (social networks, newsletter, etc.). The goal is to generate links in a organic way.

How? ‘Or’ What ? With high-end content, you encourage other website owners to link outbound from their site to yours, without having to canvass them.

This requires total involvement in your content production which must be both regular, qualitative and original enough to be taken up by other websites. This technique works well but can be long and tedious . In addition, in fields saturated with content and very competitive, the return on investment is not always satisfactory.

However, producing quality content is fundamental in SEO. You lose nothing by developing a relevant content marketing strategy. Your quality articles will be valued by Google anyway, even without backlinks. Then, you can always offer your content directly to influencers or media (Influence marketing).

The resources page

A resources page contains the list of references that you consider to be the most qualitative in your area of ​​expertise. You can create or join a resources page.

Create a resources page directly on your site.

  • Gather in this page links to quality articles or blogs in the targeted area of ​​expertise;
  • Contact the owners of the affected sites with the URL of your page;
  • Let them know that you are mentioning their content there.

The goal is for the site owner, in return, to add a backlink to that page to share it with their own audience. This process involves, in a way, “flattering” the ego of the owner of the targeted site, who will share the link organicly, without you having to ask him to do so.

Join a resource page

The challenge is to integrate your content into an existing resource page. This is the reverse of the previous one:

  • Produce very qualitative content;
  • Look for a quality resource page in your area of ​​expertise;
  • Contact the owner of this page;
  • Submit the link of your content to add in its resources page.

Netlinking is not easy. Indeed, if the technique has a strong potential in terms of SEO, it can also prove to be useless or even harmful in the event of bad practices.

In addition, it means producing very high quality content on a regular basis. With reference to quality content You should know difference between Robot generated content vs human generated content and why it is important?

To avoid missing out on such an opportunity, carefully select the techniques that are most appropriate for your site and be sure to work with quality partners.

Do you need help to develop your netlinking strategy? Selection and approach of partners, creation of unique high-quality content: what if you called on an expert service provider?

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