Home E-commerce 15 Proven Tactics To Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

15 Proven Tactics To Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

by Editorial Staff

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Shopping cart Abandonment is an e-commerce term used to describe a visitor to a web page who leaves that page before taking the desired action. Examples of abandonment include cart abandonment, which refers to visitors who add items to their cart, but leave the page without completing their purchase.

Any item that enters the cart but never goes through the transaction is considered “abandoned” by the buyer. A high average abandoned cart rate could signal a bad user experience or a broken sales funnel.

When creating a website, it is important to put in place a strategy to be visible. This makes it possible to carry out in-depth analysis of the needs of the audience concerned in order to meet them and stand out. However, not all online stores face abandoned shopping carts.

This is because consumers can come to your site without making a purchase. This situation is frustrating. You see user interest in your offer, but they decide not to buy. A strategy must therefore be put in place as a shopping cart abandonment solutions to increase your online store sales, reduce shopping cart abandonment and meet the needs of visitors to your site.

Reasons for Abandoned Carts on Ecommerce Sites

Abandoned shopping carts occurs when a potential customer puts one or more products in their cart and does not finalize. This data is generally measured as a percentage.

The reasons for shopping cart abandonment in e-commerce

According to a study carried out by the Baymard Institute, cart abandonments represent between 55% and 80%.

Cart Abandonment Statistics and Reasons of Abandoned Shopping Carts

Cart abandonment stats data show that, Many stores can experience ecommerce cart abandonment. This is the reason why studies have been carried out to analyze this situation.

According to figures from the Statista website:

  • surprise costs (not expected by consumers) such as delivery costs or taxes are the cause of 56% of abandoned shopping cart.
  • 37% of consumers abandon cart because they were only browsing the site.
  • 36% decide to leave a store without buying after having found less expensive elsewhere (at competitors or on second-hand sites).
  • Complex browsing causes 25% of users not to buy.
  • A long shopping process is the reason for 21% of cart abandonments.
  • 17% don’t buy for security reasons.

Other reasons can intervene in the decision making of customers such as payment methods, site errors or long page loading time resulting an abandoned cart.

To understand its reasons for your e-commerce, do not hesitate to analyze the attitude of consumers on your site.

What Are The Steps To Reduce Cart Abandonment Rate?

Discover actionable strategies to reduce cart abandonment rate and maximize sales potential. Learn effective techniques and best practices to keep customers engaged and guide them through the checkout process seamlessly to reduce checkout abandonment. Don’t let abandoned carts hinder your ecommerce success – implement these steps today to increase conversions and boost revenue.

Reduce cart abandonment in e-commerce

Step # 1: Necessary information highlighted

In order to gain the trust of consumers through a store, develop a strategy and put forward reassurance information.

To reassure customers, have a valid SSL certificate. If not, a security message is displayed in the visitor’s browser. Also highlight security logos to show that a purchase on your site can be done with peace of mind.

In addition, when faced with an e-commerce, customers must trust the visuals on your site. To reassure them and avoid cart abandonment, write a return policy and a refund policy. Regarding returns, set clear and simple rules.

Return Cloud claims that 66% of visitors buy more easily when there is a clear returns policy on the site.

To understand whether this aspect motivates sales on your store or not, do not hesitate to offer free returns for a limited time. After this test, compare the number with return costs and without. If there is an increase, try to reduce or eliminate the shipping cost in order to bring it down.

For refunds, provide a consumer guarantee. If the customers starts to think or hesitate, you won’t make the sale. With the mention “satisfied or reimbursed”, potential customers feel more secure. With the promise of a refund, you reduce cart abandonment and possible objections to your e-commerce. The client must feel good and confident.

Step # 2. Good customer service

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When faced with an e-commerce, consumers are often reluctant. They cannot touch the products, but above all they have no direct interlocutors. Highlight your customer service with points of contact. The customers must feel that in the event of a problem he can count on a present and responsive team. If the after-sales service is qualitative, you gain the trust of Internet users.

In a physical store, if consumers have questions or doubts, they can turn to a salesperson. The decision is made based on the response.

In an e-commerce, in order to reduce cart abandonment, integrate this notion of direct support. This is possible thanks to the installation of a live chat box.

Step # 3: Improve the customer experience

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In order to make users want to stay, navigation must be optimal. They need to have easy access to the information they want.

  • Simplify access to important data; In view of the figure given by Statista (25% of cart abandonments are due to a complex site), work on this point to increase the conversions rate of your ecommerce site. To make it easier for users to buy, limit the number of clicks. Make sure they can do it on your site with a maximum of 3 clicks:
    • Go to product.
    • Add to cart.
    • Order.
  • Optimize the act of purchase; The customer journey should be quick and easy. Eliminate all unnecessary pages and requests for irrelevant information.
  • Importance of page load time; Visual Website Optimizer commented on the correlation between page load time and abandoned cart. Sales drop 7% for every second you wait to load. This means that the longer the load, the lower they are. Optimize all elements:
    • Image size.
    • CSS and JavaScript.
    • Using a CDN.
    • Caching.
  • Keep shopping cart visible; The shopping cart should appear on all pages. Whatever page the user is on, he must be able to access the cart. To go further, offer customers to be able to save the selected products in the basket. Keep in mind that 84% of consumers make comparisons with other brands. If they leave your site, facilitate their return.
  • Avoid creating an account; To improve the customer experience and reduce cart abandonment, do not force Internet users to create a customer account on your site. Beyond developing a sense of obligation, this step slows down the process. However, you need the data provided in a customer account. This is the reason why three options exist:
    • Present the creation of a customer account as optional (motivate the registration with advantages and discounts).
    • Ability to connect quickly with a social media or Gmail button: in one click, the user creates an account.
    • Create an account automatically as soon as the potential customer enters their personal information (last name, first name, email).

Step # 4: Gain user confidence

On the internet more than elsewhere, if the customer does not trust, he does not buy. Know this, one of the first fears of consumers on the web is to be the victim of a scam. If he does not know who is behind the merchant site he is viewing, he will not take action.

He must therefore be sure that he can contact someone at any time, before, during and after the sale.

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Abandoned cart rate are generally explained by a reluctance of the customers. Your goal is therefore to gain the user’s trust so that they can be at ease. it will improve your abandoned cart recovery rate.

  • The importance of social proof; Consumers do upstream research on the company’s reputation, product reviews, and comments left. This step reassures visitors to your site. Their purchase is not an isolated case. To prevent people from leaving your online store to access this information, make it available on your site directly on the product pages.
  • How to motivate your customers to give their opinion?
    • Send a personalized email a few days after receiving the product.
    • Motivate comments with discount codes or sending goodies.
    • Allow evaluation easily on your e-commerce.
    • Show reinsurance badges.
  • In order to gain the trust of Internet users, integrate reassurance badges on your main pages. These visuals will lower cart abandonment. Choose the one from Norton and McAfee Secure. Consumers will enter their bank details without being wary of your e-commerce business.
  • Highlighting points of contact; Before selling a product on your site, people probably have questions. Even though the answers can be found online, they often need to be in contact with someone to be reassured. The LiveChat tool gives you the option of having a live chat. You can also create a contact page (phone, email, head office address).

Step # 5: The power of the visual

To increase sales and cart recovery, put yourself in the buyers shoes. The only way for him to know your products is to look at your photos. Make sure they are qualitative:

  • Add multiple photos with different angles.
  • Use high resolution.
  • Include photos that tell a story.
  • If possible, post videos.
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If the pages are of high quality, the contents will be able to attract shares and generate new visits.

Step # 6. Be subtle

Pages with commercial rhetoric scare consumers away. Use your skills to solve the problem encountered.

To reduce cart abandonment, it is imperative that they feel that you understand their situation and that your offer will improve their life or daily life. In order to ensure the success of your online store, an order must not incur unforeseen costs. If so, the first reaction will be to leave your site.

To reduce the price shock, inform the customer of all charges up front. When arriving at the payments page, the customer should be able to understand the total price.

Shipping costs can hamper a sale. To reduce the impact of this cost, offer free shipping. To offset this cost, slightly increase the price of your products.

Step # 7: Secure the Purchase Procrocess for Cart Recovery

On an online store, finalizing a purchase can generate stress for the buyer, if he does not feel that the transaction is completely secure. Throughout the purchasing process, the customer must therefore be supported and reassured.

He must be able to access his basket at any time to consult the summary of his purchases, easily add or delete an item and know the price of his order.

The following information must absolutely appear clearly on the shopping cart page:

  • The designation of the articles.
  • The exact amount of the basket.
  • Delivery fees.
  • The total amount to pay.

You must also indicate the delivery times and the means of payment available.

According to a study, comScore indicates that 56% of consumers want choice about payment options.

Here are the payment methods preferred by customers:

  • Visa.
  • MasterCard.
  • American Express
  • .Paypal.

To decrease cart abandonment, don’t forget to consider mobile. Payment should be made easily, regardless of the medium used by visitors.

In addition, depending on the location of your audience, adapt the payment methods. For example, Portugal, Switzerland and even England have cultural payments (bank transfer, payment by invoice to the Post Office, etc.).

Step # 8: Exit intention abandoned cart strategy

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Your offer is probably available on other websites. Users now have the reflex to compare the different products available. In order to increase the sales of your online business, have an exit intention abandoned cart strategy.

So, as soon as the potential customer shows the wish to leave your site, offer them added value:

  • A discount code.
  • Possibility of participating in a competition.
  • Free delivery offer.
  • Download free content.

The message can be displayed as a pop-up or a banner. Be careful though that this window is not aggressive. they could scare away.

Step # 9: Identify the vanishing points of the sales journey

If you see a high cart abandonment rate, an analysis of your online business is necessary.

To do this, Google Analytics is a good starting point. This free tool gives you all the information about the behavior of visitors to your site. Don’t make assumptions, rely on numbers and factual data to make the necessary changes.

To identify the pages to modify, identify the exit pages of your site. They correspond to the last pages visited before leaving your e-commerce.

Step # 10: Integrate call-to-action at strategic locations

To increase your digital presence and the loyalty of customers, the payment page is a strategic location. Indeed, it is not because the purchase is about to be concluded that the marketing actions stop. On the contrary, the goal is for the buyers to become a regular customer.

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However, don’t change the tone of your communication.

During the checkout process, write clear CTAs. Avoid evasive formulas. In order for the visitor to be sure of his choice, you must be transparent with precise messages. itwill help you to reduce checkout abandonment rate.

Step #11: Integrate rarity and exclusivity into your offer

If you’re a victim of a lot of shopping cart abandonments, take a look at your approach and your abandoned cart strategy. On your sales pages, create urgency to motivate the sale. Subtly tell Internet users how rare your offer is?

You can do this through several practices to increase abandoned cart recovery rate:

  • View available stock.
  • Show the number of people interested in the product concerned.
  • Highlight the promotion timer.

Step # 12. Bet on sending emails an abandoned cart email strategy

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Despite all these techniques, some customers may continue to abandon cart without proceeding to payment. It doesn’t mean they are lost customers. If they have left a point of contact or if an account has been created, please do not hesitate to contact them by asking if they are still interested.

With this abandoned cart email strategy, be sure to be friendly without being intrusive:

  • Think about an eye-catching object.
  • Highlight the advantages of selected products.
  • Offer a promotional code.

Step #13: Re-marketing to increase average abandoned cart recovery rate

Cart abandonment rates can be reduced, but difficult to avoid. Faced with these profiles, do not give up. You can set up remarketing ads to increase average abandoned cart recovery rate on Google Ads to remind them of your existence. For example, after doing a Google search for a fridge, you will see the fridge absolutely everywhere.

By using user cookies, it is possible to track these people who have not purchased on your e-commerce site. You can set up this practice on Google, Instagram or Facebook for your store cart recovery. If you want to take this approach, make captivating and dynamic ads. Otherwise, customers can develop some frustration with your online store.

Step # 14: publish your customers’ opinions and provide a space for expression

According to an IFOP survey, 88% of Internet users consult consumers’ opinions before buying. So posting your customers’ comments on your ecommerce can reassure future buyers about the quality of your products or services.

Working on the online reputation of an Ecommerce site will have a positive impact on its image and on sales.

Additionally, many consumers enjoy seeing their comments posted and shared. Apps like Trustpilot can allow you to view your customers’ ratings and reviews. Publish absolutely all comments, whether negative or positive, because Internet users are very sensitive to the transparency and honesty of merchant sites. A site with 100% 5 * votes will not inspire more confidence than a 4 * site with a few mixed reviews.

Remember that a negative opinion is not necessarily a handicap. If you answer them quickly and with pedagogy, you can on the contrary reassure consumers even more. This will help them see how you react to a problem. Respond to every negative feedback in a personalized way and offer a solution to the disgruntled buyer. It proves your professionalism.

Step #15: Work on the content marketing of the Ecommerce site

Creating content that accompanies future customers throughout their journey allows them to be captured as soon as possible. By offering quality content that helps them, the bond begins to build before the purchase.

You can work on the content marketing strategy of an Ecommerce site with a multitude of content:

  • explanatory and test videos.
  • product comparisons.
  • manuals.
  • After-sales service sheets.

Finally, if you publish articles on your e-commerce site, consider promoting your blog on social networks. This will boost traffic, cart recovery rate and increase awareness of your brand among consumers. Being active on social media and having a community there is important to ensuring the success of your online shopping site.

Conclusion: How To Reduce Cart Abandonment

In conclusion, reducing cart abandonment is a vital aspect of optimizing the performance of any ecommerce store. By implementing the abandoned cart strategies discussed, such as simplifying the checkout process, offering transparent pricing, providing multiple payment options, utilizing retargeting techniques, and optimizing the mobile experience, businesses can effectively lower cart abandonment rates and increase conversions.

Remember, continuous monitoring and adaptation to consumer behaviors are key to maintaining a seamless shopping experience and fostering long-term customer loyalty. With a concerted effort to address the underlying reasons for abandonment, ecommerce businesses can successfully recover lost sales and drive sustainable growth in the competitive online market.

Thanks to strong growth, the ecommerce sector offers many opportunities to entrepreneurs. However, it is important to think carefully about your abandoned cart strategy so as not to miss at time of starting online business. Now it’s up to you to create your online store, by finding the right concept that will allow you to make the difference!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) For “Reduce Cart Abandonment”

What is shopping cart abandonment?

Shopping cart abandonment occurs when a customer adds items to their online shopping cart but leaves the website without completing the purchase.

Why do customers abandon their shopping carts?

Customers abandon their shopping carts for various reasons, including unexpected costs at checkout, complicated or lengthy checkout processes, concerns about security, or simply getting distracted before completing the purchase.

How can I reduce shopping cart abandonment on my e-commerce website?

To reduce shopping cart abandonment, optimize your website for speed and usability, offer transparent pricing and shipping information upfront, simplify the checkout process, provide multiple payment options, and implement remarketing strategies to re-engage customers who have abandoned their carts.

What are some effective strategies to recover abandoned carts?

Implementing strategies such as sending personalized email reminders, offering incentives like discounts or free shipping, providing live chat support during the checkout process, and optimizing the mobile shopping experience can help recover abandoned carts and encourage customers to complete their purchases.

How can I track and analyze shopping cart abandonment on my website?

Utilize analytics tools like Google Analytics or specialized e-commerce platforms to track and analyze shopping cart abandonment rates, identify common reasons for abandonment, and implement targeted solutions to address them.

What role does trust and security play in reducing shopping cart abandonment?

Building trust with customers by displaying trust badges, secure payment options, and clear return policies can help alleviate concerns about security and encourage customers to complete their purchases without abandoning their shopping carts.

Are there any best practices for optimizing the checkout process to reduce abandonment?

Yes, optimizing the checkout process involves minimizing the number of steps required to complete a purchase, offering guest checkout options, providing clear progress indicators, and allowing customers to save their cart for later if they’re not ready to buy immediately.

How can social proof and customer reviews help reduce shopping cart abandonment?

Displaying customer reviews, testimonials, and social proof signals such as user-generated content and social media mentions can help build credibility and trust with potential customers, reducing their likelihood of abandoning their carts.

What role does retargeting play in reducing shopping cart abandonment?

Retargeting involves displaying targeted ads to users who have previously visited your website or abandoned their shopping carts, reminding them of the items they showed interest in and encouraging them to return and complete their purchase.

How often should I analyze and optimize my website to reduce shopping cart abandonment?

It’s essential to regularly analyze website performance metrics, monitor shopping cart abandonment rates, and stay updated on industry trends and best practices to continually optimize your website and minimize cart abandonment.

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